Most gas companies offer two types of gas card - a gas credit card and a gas charge card. Credit cards are self explanatory, and charge cards require consumers to make a full payment for expenses incurred within the agreed date. Charge cards differ to credit cards, as they do not allow consumers to carry forward a balance at the end of each month.
Gas cards with high annual fee benefit from higher credit limits, accident insurance cover, travel cover, and every other cover under the sun. In modern times due to high competition between banks, card issuers are quite often wavering joining fees and annual fees to attract more clients.
\"Gas Cards\"
The Discover Gas Card is one of the top gas cards on the market offering up to 10% rebate on your gas purchase. As more cards appear on the market allowing greater flexibility of offering cash rebates regardless of where you top up with gas, consumers have a much varied choice, and discover gas cards are one of the top of the list.
This card caters mainly to consumers looking for better gas deals, it offers 5% cash rebate on gas or up to 10% savings on gas to consumers who accept their rebate as gift certificates from their partner retailers.
As with any type of card application there are a certain amount of items and documents about your self needed in order to apply for a card.
You can apply and submit your application for a gas card online. If you have an existing account with a bank this can help make the process a lot easier and quicker. Alternatively if you are not internet familiar or prefer to send things the old fashioned way, then you can use the postal system to mail off your application form.
As standard the application form will need your bank details, details of your current job and annual income, as well as the years held in your current job position, and you social security number. Other questions will just be about yourself and details on where you live.
Many oil and gas companies are now offering revolving accounts. A revolving account is the credit facility extended to the cardholder, which allows consumers to use the credit up to the amount the consumer reimburses in to the bank as a repayment on or before the due date.
There are two kinds of gas station credit card. The first type is a gas station or an oil company credit card. These will carry a Visa or a Master Card logo and is accepted everywhere, and you will receive a discount on gas purchased from that specific station that has issued the card only.
The second types of cards are available from major credit card companies and they offer a discount on fuel at any gas station, as well as rebates on other purchases at supermarkets, drug stores or restaurants.
Gas Cards - Time to Apply
More information on Gas Cards can be found at the authors website at []